What is Murph Workout 

Murph Workout

The Murph workout is a high-intensity fitness challenge named in honor of U.S. Navy SEAL Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2005. 

The workout consists of a one-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and another one-mile run, all performed consecutively without stopping.

The Murph workout is often done on Memorial Day in the United States as a way to honor fallen military personnel. It is considered one of the most challenging workouts in the world and is popular among CrossFit athletes and other fitness enthusiasts

But if you're new to the Murph workout, you might be wondering where to start and what to expect. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Murph workout for beginners. We'll cover everything from the history of the workout to the specific exercises and techniques you'll need to master. So, let's dive in!

History of the Murph Workout

Before we get into the specifics of the workout, let's take a quick look at its history. The Murph workout was first created by Michael Murphy himself, who would often do the workout as part of his training routine. After Murphy's death, the workout was named in his honor, and it has since become a popular challenge for fitness enthusiasts around the world.

The workout consists of a 

  • 1-mile run
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 200 push-ups
  • 300 air squats, and 
  • another 1-mile run

Participants can choose to do the workout with or without a weighted vest, and there are various modifications and scaling options available for beginners.

Benefits of the Murph Workout

So, why should you try the Murph workout? There are several benefits to this challenging workout, including:

  • Improved cardiovascular endurance
  • Increased strength and muscle endurance
  • Improved mental toughness and resilience
  • Increased calorie burn and fat loss
  • Sense of achievement and harmony with other participants

How to Prepare for the Murph Workout

If you're new to the Murph workout, it's important to start slowly and gradually build up your strength and endurance. 

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the workout:

1. Focus on the Basics

Before you start doing pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats, make sure you have proper form and technique. Practice these exercises without weights first, and slowly increase the intensity and volume as you progress.

2. Build Your Endurance

The Murph workout is a high-volume, high-intensity workout, so you'll need to have a good level of cardiovascular endurance to complete it. Start by running shorter distances and gradually increase your mileage over time.

3. Use a Weighted Vest

If you're up for a challenge, consider doing the workout with a weighted vest. This will add extra resistance and make the workout even more challenging.

4. Scale the Workout

If the full Murph workout seems too challenging, there are various scaling options available. For example, you could do the workout with a partner or break up the exercises into smaller sets.

How to Do the Murph Workout

Now that you're prepared for the Murph workout, let's take a closer look at how to actually do the workout. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Warm-Up

Start with a light jog or some dynamic stretching to warm up your muscles and get your heart rate up.

2. First 1-Mile Run

Start with a 1-mile run, aiming for a moderate pace that you can sustain for the entire distance.

3. Pull-Ups

Next, move on to 100 pull-ups. You can break these up into smaller sets, using a band or partner assistance if needed.

4. Push-Ups

After the pull-ups, move on to 200 push-ups.

5. Air Squats

Once you've completed the push-ups, move on to 300 air squats. Make sure to use proper form and maintain a steady pace.

6. Second 1-Mile Run

After completing the air squats, finish off the workout with another 1-mile run. Aim to maintain a similar pace to your first run, even though you're tired.

7. Cool Down and Stretch

Once you've finished the workout, take some time to cool down and stretch out your muscles. This will help prevent pain and injury.

Read More: Outer Calf Workout

Tips for Success

Here are some additional tips to help you succeed in the Murph workout:

Stay hydrated throughout the workout, and take breaks as needed to catch your breath.

Use proper form and technique for all exercises to avoid injury and maximize efficiency.

Pace yourself and don't try to do too much too soon. The Murph workout is a challenge, but it's important to listen to your body and take it one step at a time.

Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals who can help push you to succeed.


The Murph workout is a challenging, yet rewarding, workout that will test your physical and mental limits. With proper preparation and technique, even beginners can complete the workout and reap the benefits. So, lace up your shoes, grab a partner or a weighted vest, and give the Murph workout a try!


Q. Can I do the Murph workout without a weighted vest? 

A. Yes, you can choose to do the workout without a weighted vest. It will still be challenging, but the added resistance of a vest will make it even more difficult.

Q. What if I can't do 100 pull-ups? 

A. If you're unable to do 100 pull-ups, you can use a band or partner assistance to make the exercise easier. Alternatively, you could break the pull-ups up into smaller sets.

Q. How long does the Murph workout usually take? 

A. The time it takes to complete the Murph workout will vary depending on your fitness level and the modifications you choose. On average, it takes about 45-60 minutes to complete.

Q. Is the Murph workout safe for beginners? 

A. As with any workout, it's important to start slowly and gradually build up your strength and endurance. With proper preparation and technique, the Murph workout can be safe and effective for beginners.

Q. Can I do the Murph workout on my own? 

A. Yes, you can do the Murph workout on your own, but it's recommended to do it with a partner or a group for added motivation and support.